
In My Own Way

A Tribute To My Wife Pat

In my own way began as a place where I wanted to share the things I had learned during the struggle my wife Pat and I had experienced in our battle with her colon cancer. To say the least there were great moments, moments of terror, moments of mental anguish and the moment that said the battle was over and we had lost. I truly believed you might learn something from our experience and save some of the heartbreak we experienced. But as time has passed I realize that the real purpose, subconscious as it was, was to keep me from remembering the times before the cancer. Remembering that time would only remind me of how much I had lost, how Pat was the world to me and how, though life goes on there will always be that hole in my heart that only she could fill. I am what I am today because of what I learned being with her. So now, with the benefit of time to help in easing the pain, I am ready to make this site what it should be, a memoriam to Pat. My wife, my dream come true and one of the best people you could ever have met.

But there should be more. How can I make a loss so great become something to help others with their pain? While I believe that what Pat and I had was truly unique I am wise enough to know that we were not the only people to share such a special bond. Losing Pat is something I will never forget but I can and will use this site to honor all the Pats in this world. If you have lost someone please write up your own tribute to them. I will take your words and photo and provide you with a place on this site in which you can honor them. I make three promises.

I hope you find that this site helps in comforting you with your loss. I know that is helping me but I still cry some times for what appears to be no reason and I will always miss her.