
In My Own Way

A Tribute To My Wife Pat

This is the part of the web site where you provide your description of your special someone. In addition if you have any links you feel might be appropriate for this site I have provided a special form that will allow you to share. Please note that there are two different submission forms, one for links and one for your tribute.It is important to know that all parts of the form are mandatory (required). I will not give this information to anyone but need it to verify the validity of what you provide and more importantly to contact you in the event I have a question.

The first form is for your suggested website. While the link is important I really want to know what it is that makes this link appropriate for this site.

The second form is where you send me your tribute. I recommend about a page but you can do more or less. As stated on the home page I will not edit what you write. By choosing one of the links below you will be guided to the appropriate form. I suggest you use a word processing program to create your tribute as this will provide spell checking and basic grammar correction. I will try to post your submission within a day upon receipt.

Here is a link that might prove helpful

Choose this link if you have found a website that you believe promotes what this web site is trying to accomplish. Remember you will need to add in a brief explanation about why this site helps.

Here is my tribute

Choose this link to provide your tribute. Remember I recommend using a word processor and copy and paste. Also special characters may not show as you expect them to so please try to make this a tribute in words only. Once I receive your submission I will email you in the event you would like to supply a picture. Please do not provide a picture with your submission.